Hive SQL-字符串替换函数
本文总结一下 Hive SQL字符串替换 函数:
1. replace()
替换单个字符或子字符串,replace(original-string, search-string, replace-string),实例:
--将字符串中所有的 e 全部替换为 x select 'show me the code' as string1, replace('show me the code', 'e', 'x') as string2
--将字符串中的子字符串 code 删除 select 'show me the code' as string1, replace('show me the code', 'code','') as string2
2. translate()
分别对应替换单个字符,translate(string input, string from, string to),实例:
--将字符串中的 s m t c 分别替换为 a b c d select 'show me the code' as string1, translate('show me the code', 'smtc','abcd') as string2
--将字符串中的 s m t c 都删除 select 'show me the code' as string1, translate('show me the code', 'smtc','') as string2
3. regexp_replace()
替换符合正则表达式的字符或子字符串,regexp_replace(string INITIAL_STRING, string PATTERN, string REPLACEMENT),实例:
--将字符串中的数字及多余空格都删除 select 'show me the 404 code' as string1, regexp_replace('show me the 404 code', '\\d+ ', '') as string2
--将字符串中的换行符删除 select address as address1, regexp_replace(address, '\\n', '') as address2 from customer_info